How to customized the payment form ?
Two kinds of alterations can be done on the formular. The first kind is done by parameters during the transaction intiiation. The second kind of modification will be discussed here. The fine tuning of the formular can be done by describing in html its look and feel. The description have to be placed on a div following specific identifier to allow the render engine to replace values.
The customization is based on the integration of a specific template in partner HTML page and by using a provided Javascript Library. As a result, it injects the frame of a payment panel hosted by Contodeo server (PCI-DSS compliant) directly into the partner Web page.
It permits to :
- choose the position/size of the different inputs
- change the style of the inputs and errors by CSS
- customize the different text labels
- customize the different error messages
You don't have to describe a full panel, you can only put some label or error message. You can also put an empty div and juste specify a css style. For the purprose of example a full panel will be describe, you will find all the identifier to use overload the panel description.
Init json : Bootstrap payment
For security purpose the purchase initiation have to be done from server side. Do not initial purchase from client browser using ajax call. In this case you will expose your public and secret key, such any hacker could make request for you.