Redirect integration

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How to integrate with redirection ?


Following the payment getting started rule you have first to initialize the transaction  with backend server request. The request send should like this one :


Header : AUTHORIZATION:API_PUBLIC_KEY:timeStamp:version:hash
  "amount": 12,
  "external_id": "T-D12131321",

  "auto_confirm": true,
  "return_url": ""


This request with initiate a transaction using the default language 'en' -> english, the default template bootstrap4. The formulary with be display with a typical layout. All the label for field and errror are completed with default value. In fact you don't have to provided much data. Be careful by default the cinematic will use 3DS security authentification during the payment workflow.


As you can see you need to provide a valid AUTHORIZATION header, it will 

The result of the request look like this :



"payment_token": "45544d734467414141576d416f7a68664142524252564d7651304a444c31424c51314d315547466b5a476c755a77434141424





"payment_url": "",

"redirect_url": "







Typicaly the redirection will be simple server redirect using the redirect_url parameter. You can also achieve this redirect with  javascript code.


The result of the redirection will be :

default bootstrap

default bootstrap

After the user credit card data sending, if all data are valids, the bank authorization is done. Contodeo will redirect the user on the specified return_url  parameter with the transaction identifier that you will used to make further call on the service using the rest API.


The redirection url will like this :



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