Transaction lifecycle

What is contodeo ? >>

Details of the process


In contodeo a transaction is a payment initiate by the merchant or by the billing daemon. A transaction life throught  several status :

  • NEW -> The transaction is initiated the customer has display the purchase panel
  • AUTHORIZED -> The amount of the authorization was accepted by the bank
  • CONFIRMED -> The authorization was confirmed with a given amount
  • CANCELLED -> The authorization is cancelled no futher confirmation can be done
  • FAILED -> The authorization has failed


Transaction authorization

After the customer validation the transaction stay in AUTHORIZED status for seven days. After this delay the transaction will be cancelled and no further confirmation can be done.


Transaction confirmation

A transaction in authorized status need to be confirm to validate the payment. A unconfirmed transaction will not lead to merchant payment. The confirmation are only done by REST API call. Only the first call is considered, there is no multiple partial confirmation. The amount of the confirmation can be equal or less than the initiale authorization. 


Transaction refunding

The transaction refunding can be done using PUT /transaction/$id/refund endPoint. You can make multiple partial refund but the refund sum  have to be inferior than initiale transaction. You can only make a refund on a confirmed transaction


Transaction cancellation

An accepted authorization can be cancelled using DELTE /transaction/$id endPoint. You only can cancelled an authorized transaction before the confirmation. A cancelled transaction cannot be used for a later confirmation.

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